Episode 4: Aaron's Story

Written by Natan on
Episode 4: Aaron's Story

In this episode I interview Aaron.

As we know on this podcast, divorce is always tragic, especially for the children, but sometimes tragedy takes on an ever more serious dimension. Aaron’s story illustrates the consequences of divorce years later, how one delicate situation leads to the next complicated situation which leads to the next impossible situation.

Aaron lost his young daughter less than a year ago, and he wasn’t able to save her, despite trying everything he could. It’s very difficult to hear a father speak about losing a child, so of course I can only imagine how difficult it was for Aaron to share it with me - which is his first time publicly discussing it. We get to hear about Aaron’s marriage, his divorce, the post-divorce process, remarriage, his children’s alienation from him and ultimately his daughter’s passing from an eating disorder after years of suffering silently. This episode is intense and truly moving. I hope you will gain from it.



Founder and host of LGS Podcast


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