Episode 9: Prof. Ben Hine

Written by Natan on
Episode 9: Prof. Ben Hine

In this episode we go to the United Kingdom, to speak to Dr. Ben Hine, a professor of applied psychology, a researcher and author who has extensive experience in the areas of family breakdown, divorce, and alienation . I’m very excited to bring this to you as our first “professional” episode, as opposed to a personal story episode, hopefully the first of man.

In this episode, I ask Professor Hine to teach us precisely what PA is, how it works, if it’s real science or a possible hoax (like FlatbushGirl claims), how do we know it’s not just proof that one of the parents is a bad parent, how the system can be improved and what we can do as a community.

Besides his work studying parental alienation, Dr. Hine is a victim of it himself, and he shares his personal story with us as well.


Professor Hine’s website: https://www.uwl.ac.uk/staff/ben-hine

Professor Hine’s Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Parental-Alienation-Contemporary-Practitioners-Policymakers/dp/B0C9KMYD27

Professor Hine on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ProfHine



Founder and host of LGS Podcast


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